I've started working with an ayurvedic consultant. Not going to get into it as far as details, but basically this is a science/practice/religion based in Buddhism/Yoga/Eastern thought that promotes health through more of a holistic approach. What goes in, and comes out, of your body are paramount, as well as is the concept of balance within the equilibrium of the body's personal health both in mind, body, and spirit. This is going to sound a little lupy, but as I am a huge fan of Star Wars (and personally regard it as the greatest story of our time)...I find this health study very, well, Jedi. So for me- it's cool.
One of the things this consultant has asked me to do is keep a journal. An open ended, free-thought journal, but with the one condition that I define a "perfect day". What a great question! I vividly remember my father sitting me down at age 14 and asking me what I wanted to do with the rest of my life (the right answer was, "Nothing. I want to go outside and continue playing wiffleball"), and I remember being so lost by that question. Actually, still am? Aren't we all- all the time? But, here's a question that doesn't ask that, but asks that. And as a passionate believer in the embrace of the Culture of the Table I'm now going to take the time to think about what I'd eat/drink with my perfect day. Here goes...
Breakfast- coffee and juice (Sorry. Nothing sexy here. Breakfast for me on the perfect day is actually about getting time to read the paper in peace.)
Lunch- I actually almost (didn't have Raveaneu) had it once. A perfect lobster omelet with a fresh side salad of micro greens and champagne vinaigrette. A nice hunk of perfect French baguette and a sampler of farmer cheeses. And a bottle of Raveneau Vaillons- 10 years old or older....or a bottle of Tempier Rose (current vintage)
Dinner- The Balthazar shellfish tower. Lamb tangine with herbed couscous. Selected farmer cheeses. Start of with Salon 1988, then to Tempier Cassabou 1990, Clos Rougeard Poyeux 1990, Chave Hermitage Rouge (mid-80's), and Emidio Pepe Montepulciano 1983. Cheese would see: lots of older Burgs from Jayer-Gilles, Comte Armand, Rousseau, Roumier, and DRC.
Dessert: 1863 Barbeito Malvasia......I'll never forget that wine. Greatest wine I have ever tasted. Inexplicable. Like drinking history.
And...I just realized that a perfect day would be filled with like 50,000 other meals/pairings...so carpe diem people.
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