It's been a long day, and a long week- and it's only Wednesday.
Overall, as the wine biz has tightened and become more competitive due to the currency and consumers tightening their own wallets, I find myself in need of inspiration. Why sell this stuff? After all, it's only fermented grape juice...why ask consumers to pay more than 2 buck chuck?
Than I go back to Kermit. Kermit Lynch is one of the old school super great wine importers. And his two books, Adventures on the Wine Route and Inspiring Thirst are living testaments to the ability of wine to create a personal culture of the table which celebrates life, love, people, experiences, and of course- food. For me, his writings make it more than acceptable to spend over $20bt on a single bottle of wine.
Go to Amazon...buy some used copies. Keep them tableside.
You will be inspired.
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