In my practice I see this all of the time. A great producer will come along. They will be discovered by the trade. Then they will be discovered by the consumer base. Demand will drive prices up and and availability out, and from a marketing standpoint, "cult" status is born. If the quality of the wines the producer makes continues to be at a "reference point" level for about 10 years or more this producer will be generally be deemed a classic, reference point producer and at their price points are not important anymore.
I've dealt with this phenomenon for 7 years now as a wine professional, and only yesterday did it hit me personally. I love wine and love to drink it. I usually buy through my company as I love the producers and I get a great deal. But, there are some wines I simply have to have. Domaine Tempier is one of them. I had read a lot about Tempier's rose since I really got into the Kermit thing about 3 years ago, but up until yesterday I could never readily find the Rose. So, it's available yesterday and I buy it- just 1 bottle. It retailed at $42bt.
Now, that's fair. It should be that price considering who makes it and the current currency situation. And I will continue to buy a bottle here, bottle there, but unfortunately for me Tempier Rose has moved out of my strikezone. So, Tempier here and there, but not always.
So, it's time to move on and keep looking- which is part of the fun of wine anyway. Pradeaux is a new "it" wine for me from Bandol. They're not new as a super quality level producer from Bandol, but they're just being very highlighted now as Tempier's prices have risen heavily.
C'est la vie. The next time your favorite imported European wine looks to expensive- it's time to enjoy the process of discovery all over again.