One of the great American past time hold overs from days long gone by is the Italian-American pork store. I was recently reminded of this last week when I decided to visit for a coffee and biscotti (although they call it bis-cot; it sounds cooler).
Anyways, I've always been nervous when it comes to prepared foods, but the Italian pork stores seem to have the finest- whether I was in East Hampton, Hoboken, Manhattan, or Brooklyn. The quality is outstanding!
So, I saw some freshly made pizza dough. Some freshly made, in-store, mozzarella. Some freshly made sauce. Voila! Pizza.
It was amazing. And the total cost for two huge pies produced was under $20.
In short- go see your local Italian pork store. Buy some dough, sauce, and mozz. You will be getting insane value and quality for your money.